for what was our last big event of the year.
Sue Walker
We all had a great time! We had some special guests visit us…
Sandra MacDonald and Fred Bradley and his wife Sue Bradley from The Sunshine Coast. Sandra and Fred have corresponded on line many times but had never met until the train show. They had a great chat. John Streit from CKNW radio also paid us a visit. He was there in a professional capacity: he did a great news report about the train show. This was also seen on Global News.
Our sales team also did a fantastic job in chatting with people and doing sales. The final tally was over $1000 in sales! We tried a new idea to make some mugs with the same art work as Lawrence’s prints of the buses.. it was a fantastic hit. We even sold a early 1900’s train switch lantern. Our Social Media person (Stephen Goodman) did a fantastic job in covering all the different areas of the Train show. I think we got a lot of exposure by being near the miniature train. Many people were taking pictures of our beautiful 4612 fishbowl bus.
I would like to thank all the members and guests that took the time to volunteer and visit us at our booth representing the Transit Museum Society.

I hope people read and put comments down
All the hard work that Micheal does to keep everyone informed needs to be read for sure.
Great job Micheal….