Privacy, Conditions of Carriage & Code of Conduct

The Society will endeavour to respect the privacy wishes of its members. The main conduit of communication between members is email. To fully engage in our activities and community, members are encouraged to provide an email address. We use ‘cookies’ to validate your permission to access various features of our website, and cannot guarantee those features will perform as expected if you disable your browser’s ability to accept those cookies.


Admidio is the name of our membership maintenance application. Members who have provided a valid email address are issued with a user ID and temporary password to access their profile stored in its database. New members should change this password at their earliest convenience.

TMS strives to protect this password from unauthorized access, viewing or use. The password is not stored on our servers. We cannot remind you of it. If you forget it, it must be reset with a new password from the Admidio front page. (Requests are sent to the user’s email address, so please keep it current!) To enhance security, we suggest you choose a password unique to our website – do not use passwords for multiple sites! TMS cannot be held responsible for weak and reused passwords that are compromised.

A feature of Admidio is the ability to send emails to other members, team leaders and members, executive or board of directors. Your addressee’s information will not be displayed, nor will yours as sender. Use of this feature other than to communicate the business of the Society is not allowed, unless both parties agree to the communication.

We utilize your user ID and password to permit access other parts of that are reserved for members. (Currently changing your password in Admidio may not change it for access to other parts of the website.)

Retention of information

If our relationship terminates, unless specifically advised to do otherwise, we may retain your information for marketing purposes or for your convenience if you elect to rejoin us.

Conditions of Carriage

If you purchase a ticket for a fan-trip or tour, we will retain your name, and email address so that we may inform you of future events. By purchasing or reserving such travel, you agree to receive these promotional emails, though any email will include an unsubscribe link to allow you to stop them being sent.

Vehicles used on such fan-trips and tours are equiped with CCTV. By purchasing a ticket to travel on such trips, you expressly acknowledge that you may be recorded. Such recordings retained for an amount of time and may be used in cases to demonstrate and/or prosecute unruly behaviour etc. No recordings will be archived and all such recordings will be deleted within a reasonable period of time.

TMS expects persons travelling on our fan-trips and tours to abide by socially recognized norms of behaviour. This includes, but is not limited to, respect for fellow passengers and TMS staff. TMS reserves the right to decline to transport those individuals who it deems not to have complied with our Conditions of Carriage. In some instances, at its’ discretion, the Society may require adult supervision for individuals participating in our fan-trips and tours.

Online payments

For our payment activities we use Square as our payment processor. Square is a San Francisco based company, though it has a Canadian office in Toronto. It is listed on the NYSE, and was founded in 2009 by the Jack Dorsey, who also founded Twitter. Dorsey is still the CEO of both companies. Square has been doing business in Canada since 2012, but relies on a US-based bank for payment processing. (This means payments other than Interac transactions are governed by US law and are stored on servers based there.)

When we process your credit or debit card payment, our website will “hand you over” to the Square servers. All data and information you supply will go directly to and be held by Square. After successful payment we will receive only a confirmation id; no other personal information you supplied will be sent back to us – though we can view it on Square’s secure server if we need to.

We can accept most credit cards, either online or in person at an event we are attending. At certain events we can also accept debit cards. We can only accept debit cards online if they bear a VISA or Mastercard logo.

Mailing list

In addition to receiving mail sent through Admidio, you will be asked to agree to receive emails sent via our “mailing list”. This is a mailing list that will broadcast to all members, any email sent to You expressly agree to only use this feature for items of interest to fellow members. Emails offering items (for sale or free) other than transit-related materials is forbidden.

You can elect to be removed from this mailing list by contacting You can also contact them to discuss any privacy concerns not addressed here.


TMS (Transit Museum Society)

The Transit Museum Society expects and requires all its members to observe and respect the values embodied below.


The Transit Museum Society is dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and operation of vehicles significant to the history of public transit in British Columbia; to collect and preserve artifacts and memorabilia relating to their history; and to share knowledge and awareness of our transit history.

Core Standards

The Society recognizes and values the relationships with its membership, sponsors, corporate and community partners and transportation enthusiasts worldwide. It will strive to act in ways that respect the importance of those relationships. All members are expected to adhere to a Code of Ethics and Conduct that is based on the core standards of integrity, accountability, diversity and respect.

Society Values

  1. We will set an example, as a nonprofit organization, for high standards of professionalism.
  2. We will act with personal and professional integrity when representing our organization and ensure that our reputation and good standing is maintained.
  3. We will ensure accuracy and timeliness in our communications.
  4. We will comply with all laws and regulations affecting the organization.
  5. We will support full disclosure of all potential and actual conflicts of interest.
  6. We will protect the confidentiality of the information received by or generated from the organization.
  7. We will respect the rights of privacy of all people, including co-workers, volunteers, and the clients and employees of our partner agencies.
  8. We will honour the democratic process and support the final decisions of our volunteer board.
  9. We will treat all people respectfully in all aspects of our activities without regard to race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, and age.


Any contravention of these values and expectations will be addressed by the Board of Directors (or such persons as it designates.) After investigation, it will publish a final decision regarding the future status of person or persons involved in the contravention. The Board of Directors shall not be required to publish any other material that it may have used to support its decision. Such decision is final.