Signs on the bus

Back in the 1970s… an attempt at “bus branding.” Explained by Librarian Michael Taylor-Noonan.

Tribute to Vancouver’s Brill Trolleycoaches

The late Marilyne McKay was a BC Hydro transit operator. She was amongst the first or second classes of female drivers in 1974. She loved her job and especially she loved the Brills. She produced this video shortly before her passing. At TMS, we remember Marlyne with great affection.

2040 at VTC

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MCI Classic TC40102N

Videographer: Ewan Streit




Fageol Twin Coach 41-S

Videographers: Sue & Matthew Walker



2040 at VTC in preparation for 75th Anniversary





1937 Hayes ‘Teardrop’ prepared for scrapping


Not #63! But our second bus, #58. Reluctantly, we sent it for scrap after removing parts.  Space constraints meant  we had nowhere to store it. As you can see it was in very rough shape.

 Triesel #2649 test drive

#4276 Goes out on a test drive.

#3334 1982 Flyer D901A

Bryan & Alex tell of the maintenance completed on our 1982 Flyer D901A.


#9753 (1996 D40LF, ex BC Transit & TransLink).

Our latest addition to our fleet! Take a ride around our parking lot. Principal videography: Matthew Walker. Additional videography and editing: Michael Taylor-Noonan. Thanks to our driver, Richard Dyer!


Olympic Line (Delivery of Vehicles, Cab-Ride)


#4612, General Motors 1964 ‘Fishbowl’ 

#2416: How the speed is controlled

Setting up a ‘new trip’ on a Cubic farebox.

In the days before Compass and its Driver Control Unit, Operators used this ODI to set up the Cubic farebox for a new trip.

BCER…Then & Now (Excerpt)

Ken Hogdson’s 1948-9 colour film of Vancouver’s interurbans and streetcars. This is an excerpt, pending the release of a remastered edition of the complete film reels.


#678 1957 GM TDH4512

Newly acquired #678 is taken outside for a wash. Affectionally known as the “Beach Bus” because of the copious amounts of sand and road grit that had accumulated at the back of the bus — it had been missing its back mud flap for many years. Driving the fork-lift is the Late, and much missed, Harry Vagg.




Progress Report (Excerpt, 1948)

A progress report on the BC Electric’s $50-million modernization and expansion program. This short excerpt focuses on the transit system improvements — the remaining part detailed the expansion of the generating network.


Going to Town (1948)


Up to $14-million of the total postwar modernization expenditure was allocated to transit improvements. The BC Electric produced this examination of the challenges of operating a transit system in Vancouver.


On the Spot (1948)

BC Electric promotional film about its transit operations