Our Vehicles

A long lost PSL coach in Richmond

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Our Vehicles

Future Projects

Mechanic Sean Keating aided by Richard Dyer (left) and Milan Streit (partially hidden) did adjustments on 4107’s front brakes after...
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Our Vehicles

Painting & Postcards

This past Sunday (April 28th), Jason Sharpe replaced the ‘stop’ lights on Low-Floor 9753. The replacement units contain more LEDs...
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Our Vehicles

The New Ninjas

November 2022. It seems a long while ago…but really its only approaching 18 months since we moved into our new...
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Our Vehicles

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Our Vehicles

4107 work continues apace

Work continues on 4107… last week we showed you the beginning of work to clean off old grease from wheels...
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Our Vehicles

Wash n’ brush-up for 4612

It was bath-time for 4612 this past Sunday. Ewan Streit gave it a scrub down in preparation for its appearance...
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Our Vehicles

Mechanical work on 4107 continues…

This past Sunday (17th March 2024) Sean Keating, Kyle Little and Jason Sharpe removed the front wheels of 4107. They’ll...
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Our Vehicles

4612 visits the hospital (!), restoring a ‘crown’, and Roseberry Redux

On March 5th, 2024, TMS President Bryan Larrabee drove our 1964 GM ‘Fishbowl’ to BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver. Matthew...
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Our Vehicles

4107 Update – no heat for you & New Board

Seems ironic, but just as our Langley shop regained heat, work began on our 1982 GM ‘New Look’ to remove...
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