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Thank you to our volunteers

Volunteer Appreciation BBQ

A group of people standing in front of a train

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Volunteers, left to right: Anthony Sherst, Angus McIntyre, Jason Sharpe, Leland Babic, Michael Taylor-Noonan, Bryan Larabee, Paul Waller, Jacquie Sherst, Chris Cassidy, Matthew Walker, Gary Davis, Glenda Cutinha, Jeff Veniot, Kyle Monda, Maxwell Chang, Rian Fatemi, Stephen Goodman, Rob Chew, Ewan Streit (with sunglasses and with pop in face), Ethan Enns, Martin Wu, Oscar Kapsa, Rachel Lee, Issac Tamm, Hubert Leong, Savannah Dewolf, Nathan Sheng, Sue Walker, Aden Wong, Francis  He, Milan Streit, Theodore Cassidy(child), Eric Webster, Richard Dyer, Ron Hoskyn, Sue Bradley, & Fred Bradley

Not in picture were Lawrence Walker And Rhonda Larabee ā€“ they were taking the photo. 

Sunday, 1st October 2023 and volunteers of TMS were treated to a BBQ at our Langley facility. It was organized by Sue Walker, Lawrence Walker & Glenda Cutinha as a ā€œthank-youā€ to those members who donated their time and volunteered at the events we attended this past summer. Thanks to Save-On Foods & Real Canadian Superstore for their generous donations of food for the BBQ. Though they wouldnā€™t admit to it, Iā€™m sure that Sue, Lawrence and Glenda also contributed from their own pockets, too!

A group of people standing outside

Description automatically generated A person sitting in front of a bus

Description automatically generated A group of people sitting in chairs outside

Description automatically generated This year, an added attraction was the ā€˜BBQ Shuttleā€ from Patterson SkyTrain Station bringing out many members to Langley. After eating, Operator Chris Cassidy provided much amusement by programing 9753ā€™s electronic destination sign with audience requests. Jason travelled to Langley in his antique Mercury, Lawrence edited a video showcase of our events. Jeff Veniot told of some his exploits while driving trolleys. Chef Angus McIntyre (aided on ā€œhot dog dutyā€ by your blogger) provided the culinary skills, while Sue & Glenda kept everything running smoothly. A grand and enjoyable time was had by all!

A car parked in a parking lot

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A group of people standing next to a bus

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A person serving food to another person

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A person standing in front of a bus Description automatically generated
A group of people on a bus

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1 thought on “Thank you to our volunteers

  1. Nice story ā€¦. Very nice contribution of pictures and people for this Thank You BBQ.
    Thank you to everyone ā€¦ if not for all our wonderful volunteers in every aspect of our Transit Museum Society, it would not be.

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