This past Friday (7th May 2025), members met to elect a new Board of Directors. Two members of the old Board decided not to seek re-election: TMS wants to thank Sue & Lawrence Walker for their service as directors and their guidance in its affairs. (Although they will ‘step back somewhat’ from their other roles within the Society, they will still be active members. Sue will help in Sales, Lawrence will continue to organize our Events attendance.)
Members re-elected the remaining six directors; they elected Evan Russell and Savannah Dewolf to fill the remaining two seats. Welcome, Evan & Savannah!
The new Board then elected the Executive positions: Bryan Larrabee returns as President; Michael Taylor-Noonan as Vice President, Angus McIntyre as Treasurer and Jason Sharpe as Secretary.
The Board met in-camera on Sunday, 9th March, to fill various positions within the Society. At the Friday meeting, members were asked to show interest in being appointed to these positions. For some roles, the Board felt a committee would best be able to handle the responsibilities, in other cases the role was given to one person to act alone or as a ‘supervisor’ to those who generously offered to help. Over the next few weeks, we’ll organize things, and get everyone ‘up to speed’.
4107 Project Leader: Jason Sharpe
Events Co-ordinator: Lawrence Walker (working remotely from home.) The Directors decided to create at least four Host Supervisors to set up and manage the TMS volunteers at the events. Names withheld pending acceptance from the individuals.
Excursions: Milan Streit
Drivers Co-ordinator: Evan Russell
Librarian/Archivist: Michael Taylor-Noonan
Newsletter: Michael Taylor-Noonan
Webmaster (Technical): Michael Taylor-Noonan
Webmaster (Content): Austin O’Keefe
Charters & Coach Rentals: Bryan Larrabee
Membership: Bryan Larrabee and Lawrence Walker.
Shop Management Committee: Bryan Larrabee, Jason Sharpe, Richard Dyer, Milan Streit
Social Media Co-ordinator: Milan Streit
Sales & Marketing: Savannah Dewolf