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Board meets to plan TMS future

On Sunday, 26th May, members of the Board of Directors and invited guests gathered to formulate a series of strategic plans for the future of TMS. It was organized by President Bryan Larrabee and Rhonda Larrabee.

After a quick and enjoyable “ice-breaker” (of which more later), the group was divided into two, each charged with discovering their top five topics concerning our future. The meeting then discussed the topmost area from each group: public recruitment/engagement and fleet maintenance.

Member Savannah Dewolf volunteered to champion the public engagement and recruitment plan – the aim is to make ourselves visible to more of our communities, with the aim of attracting more members, especially those with a mechanical or electrical aptitude.

A person standing in a room with a group of people sitting in chairs

Description automatically generated On the subject of Fleet Maintenance, the group identified the need for a comprehensive survey of our buses – their deficiencies, strengths and weaknesses, and ease and cost of repair or restoration. With limited space and availability of personnel in Langley, with our vehicles scattered across three locations, there are significant challenges to accomplishing this task. Its implementation will depend of working through these issues.

We hope to release a full report for the membership in the coming weeks.

TMS Mechanic wins the Quiz!

As an “ice-breaker” to start our meeting, Bryan & Rhonds designed a quiz. The questions centered on transit and New Westminster. Richard Dyer emerged the winner, and received a $25 Tims card donated by Rhonda!

A person sitting at a table with another person sitting behind him

Description automatically generated A group of people sitting around a table

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