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4107 work continues apace

Work continues on 4107… last week we showed you the beginning of work to clean off old grease from wheels and brakes. This past Sunday, Richard Dyer was completing the task. You can clearly see the difference between the “before” and ”after” views of the king pin, and the amount of material removed. Meanwhile Milan Streit cleans the brake drums and shoes.

A metal object with a metal tube

Description automatically generatedA person working on a machine

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A pile of dirt on a wood surface

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A person wearing gloves and holding a metal object

Description automatically generated A person in overalls and blue gloves working on a metal object

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April Director’s Meeting

The Director’s meeting was held at the Anvil Centre on April 5th. All members are welcome to attend — it’s a chance to catch up on the activities of the Society, and to hear and comment on our plans. But perhaps the most important aspect is the opportunity for the social “chit-chat” (as Sue Walker, who took these photos, calls it.)

(Appearing in the pictures: Michael Taylor-Noonan, Oscar Kapsa, Rob Chew. Centre: Angus Macintyre chats with Robert Farringer. Bottom: Ewan Streit and Dale Laird)

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