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Our New Board of Directors

At the TMS Annual General Meeting held in New Westminster, March 3rd, our new Board of Directors was elected. Pictured above, in this picture by Rhonda Larrabee, are (L to R) Jason Sharpe, Lawrence Walker, Michael Taylor-Noonan, Sue Walker, Bryan Larrabee, Milan Streit, Rob Chew and Angus McIntyre.

“I think this Board of Directors will do some good things and I’m proud to be a part of it.  For the first time in our history, we have elected a woman to the Board of Directors.  Special congratulations to Sue who has already made her mark on our organization and I know will help take us into the future.  


When I looked around the room last night (at the AGM) I saw a lot of young faces and cultural diversity and it gives me a real feeling of enthusiasm for the things that we can do together moving on.”

Bryan Larrabee, President

We have a number of “foreign” transit artefacts – this roll blind comes from Seattle.

Especially with such limited storage space as we have at Langley, we must sharply define our accession guidelines. Such items as this are being offered for sale. Here, Sue helps a customer inspect the item. Thankfully our parking lot was almost empty this day!

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