You searched for: Power
Knowledgebase (9 matches)
4.8_Bus_Technology_and_Alternative_Fuels -2-
The emission data will also allow us to refine our fleet emissions inventory used to
estimate the effect of implemented strategies. To date, the project has included 21 test
buses representing the following technologies and fuels:
Table 1 Tested Technologies
Engine Systems Drive Train
Technology Bus Engine ...
B8028 New Text Document.txt
--- In, Ba See Lo
A little birdie told me that B8028 has been retrofitted with a
brake-pedal-activated retarder, as opposed to the standard
power-pedal-activated retarder. The original Allison B400-R/B500-R
hydraulic retarder had an inherent lag, causing excessive brake wear
before the retarder even had a chance to slow the coach down.
Not sure exactly what was done to the retarde...
bcer British Columbia Electric Railway
British Columbia Electric Railway (BCER)
Transit in B.C.s three major urban areas (Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster) was
introduced by companies other than the BCER. These companies eventually merged to
form the Consolidated Railway & Light Co. But a tragic event in 1896 ensured that
Consolidated Railway would not operate the province's transit. A river bridge in Victoria
collapsed, killing 55 people. Although an inquiry would later put blame on t...
Comparison of Modes
Adding up to a cleaner environment
Transit Exchange, July/Aug. 1998
Both trolleys and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses play their part in reducing pollution in the Greater Vancouver region. Along with diesel buses, they make up most of the BC Transit fleet. How do trolleys and CNG buses rate pollution wise? And how does each of these technologies compare in cost? After covering diesel buses in the February issue of Transit Exchange, we now tackle the rest of the fleet.
Trolley buses: in ...
Skid- Trol is a product of Rockwell International, the
world's largest and most experienced maker of truck
axles, truck brakes, trailer axles and trailer brakes.
Rockwell International currently supplies the truck
and trailer industry with over 70% of its air brake
Skid-Trol wheel anti-lock brake control system combines
our comprehensive knowledge of heavy-duty
brake equipment with the electronic expertise of our
Surrey Leader
Mayors resisting TransLink reform
By Jeff Nagel Jun 15 2007
A number of regional politicians are vowing to fight transportation minister Kevin Falcon’s radical remake of TransLink every step of the way.
Since the required legislation didn’t pass the Legislature this spring, they will start by refusing to join the transportation minister’s plan to get an early start on work to select a new, unelected professional board of directors.
Falcon says the reforms will go ahead, with or ...
TRIP Trolley Electronics
#1. -How are the electronics set up on our > current fleet? Just what is in the
engine bay of the bus and what is mounted
underneath? I imagine there's a fairly significant number of batteries for the
auxiliary power unit...
The batteries are in trays along the left and right
sides of the buses, the ones that have grilles in
#2. -What did they do in the various TRIPP programs? I know there were some
changes to improve cooling and to try and keep stuff dry but...
vancouver.pdf Vancouver Transit Natural Gas Bus System
BC Transit - Vancouver, provides a fully integrated natural gas and pay the standard tariff rate. The buses
transit service in the Vancouver lower mainland area were commissioned and introduced into service in
using diesel, CNG buses, trolley buses, Sea Bus, Sky November 1995 and operate out of the Port Coquitlam
Train and commuter rail in an 1,800 square kilometre Transit Facility....
wac W.A.C. Bennett & B.C.E
One aspect of the story of the B.C.E. which has puzzled me is this:
It was the Socred government of W.A.C. Bennett that nationalized the B.C. Power Corporation, parent
of the B.C.E. But, the Socreds as they became in the time I've lived in the province were right wing, free
enterprise oriented. What would make them want to expropriate a private corporation?
W.A.C. Bennett & B.C. Electric
In researching this note, I've come to realize that W.A.C. Bennett cannot ...
Vehicle database (0 matches)
Main database (29 matches)
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 3003
3-door articulated "SuperBuses", DE, 6V92TA eng., wh/chr lift, ov/size roller signs
Renumbered into permanent series, Winter 95/96;97/01/13: P3003 a
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 8084
;00/11*:RTC-307 :Aug 01, 2006: For those of you who care about such subtleties, 8084 returned to
service out of RTC effective yesterday.
The artic
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 8052
98 B-Line colours;;00/11*:BTC-178 05/02:I also note that 8052 has its new engine installed. It is bright
yellow and at first I was curious and though
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 7397
;00/11*:BTC-178 15/02:
RICHMOND (NEWS1130) � Thousands of homes in Richmond were without power this morning after a transit bus crashed into a power
Metro Services (BC) S318
09/07:09/07/30: rolled down hill backwards and into apt building in New West. Operator said he lost all power. Damage to rear of shuttle
34S 17
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 3189
M89-to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3189 in 1961, retired
34S 610B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 3183
M125- to North Vancouver Garage M844,
ret to OTC as M125. To New West as M946. renumbered 5946
to OTC as 3183
1965:to Vernon for use at power project
38S 1077C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5942
ex Pacific Stage Lines 264 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3131 in 1962. To New West 5942 in 1966
38S 1078C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5943
ex Pacific Stage Lines 265 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3132 in New West 5943 in 1966
38S 1079C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5944
ex Pacific Stage Lines 266 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3133 in 1962 to 5944 (New West) in 1966
38S 1080C
Deep Cove Stage Lines 267
ex Pacific Stage Lines 267 in 1958,
to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3134 in 1962.
to Deep Cove Stage Lines 267 (Deep Cove, BC) in 1964
38S 1081C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5945
ex Pacific Stage Lines 268 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3135 in New West 5945 in 1966
38S 1083C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5946
ex Pacific Stage Lines 270 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3136 in 1962
To New West 5946 in 1966
38S 1085C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5947
ex Pacific Stage Lines 272 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3137 in 1962
to New West 5947 in 1966
38S 1086C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5948
ex Pacific Stage Lines 273 in 1958, to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 3138 in 1962 to New West 5948 in 1966
38S 417B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5901
to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 5901 in 1962, :66/05/14:While stored at Cambie for sale, destroyed by vandals. (BK)
38S 88
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4800
to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 4800 in 1962,
PHOTO: BT-40-5 1948 M800
41S 1079C
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4827
to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 4827 in 1962,
41S 642
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4830
To NV as M830,
to BC Hydro & Power Auth. 4830 in 1962, retired in 1965
E902 E10240 2419
Transit Museum (TRAMS) (BC) 2805
DE, dual stream front bi-fold doors;Owned by CANADA;99/1:Rear ad for 7-11; 99/4: Ex-BCT ;02/06: rereg. fr. 7991NT 05/03:05/03/21: Rear ended by car, m
MC-5A 6137 6822
Greyhound Lines of Canada Ltd. 288
To Mobile Power Tool Shop (ON)
MC2 612
Private (See Notes)
602-To Hustlebus Ltd 4/79; "Thought you might be interested to know that I have owned MC2 Serial # 612 since 1990. It was sold by Hustle Bus to Ron
T6H5308N C096
BC Transit (BC) 8962
Named Bahamas for 1994 Commonwealth games
9/26/01: At Langford, no power train (LB);02/02:deplated ex 3931BW;02/06:no engine (L
TDH4512 2819
Private (See Notes)
to Bus Fare Catering, Vancouver BC as a movie set catering galley.
(MT); 15/05/24: I have confirmed that #731 is alive and driving under it
TDH4519 C030
BC Transit (BC) 6053
Ex Victoria 746, to UPF 6053, Assigned to Naniamo; (LB says this was BC Hydros first fishbowl)
97/05*:Stored (Nanaimo);99/4:Shown as Stored at VICT.L
TDH4519 C071
Transit Museum (TRAMS) (BC) 4612
8/95:BCTSP;retired from BTC; to TRAMS;99/Q1:repainted to original BCH colours and renumbered 4612.
:The GMC Diesel #4612 model TDH 4519 (VH
TDH4519 C233
Private (See Notes) 8762
rebuilt in 1989-1990 to T6H4523N specs., Victoria
named Cayman Islands for 1994 Commonwealth Games
(This and 0767 were the only TDH4519s retrofitted
TDH4519 C238
Private (See Notes) 767
rebuilt in 1989-1990 to T6H4523N specs.,
named Norfolk Islands for 1994 Commonwealth Games
(This and 0762 were the only TDH4519s retrofitted with the
TDH5304 C137
BC Transit (BC) 4783
ex Oakridge Transit Centre 3730 in 1987, 5730-natural gas powered test bus, to North Vancouver Tst. Ctr. 4783 in 1992. [CHECK MOTIVE POWER!} O/l to S
Photograph database (0 matches)