T6H4523N C023 | 8786 | BC Transit (BC) | G.M.C. | T6H4523N | 7/72 | Whistler | 99/11 | RETIRED | 786-, named Lesotho for 1994 Commonwealth Games
o/l to OTC, 7/95
returned to VTC by 10/95
[LB says that these buses 785-789 wore a plain white waist when delivered. They were waiting until the new NDP government approved colours could be applied.]; to Sunshine Co. by 96/10/11(Stored);97/02/14*:Active; 99/3: from SUNC to WHIS;99/11: retired from (WHIS). :785-786
These were quirky. These two buses had toggle dash mount shifters but had blue interiors like 746-784 and the red/grey seats. First to have the EIP packages.
786- Orange/yellow to orange/brown.
(MK); |