

2FYD2MG13MU0140383008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) N.F.I. D604/91Richmond Tst. Ctr.08/04RETIRED3-door articulated "SuperBuses", DE, 6V92TA eng., wh/chr lift, ov/size roller signs 9008 involved in an accident with a five tonne truck on the Mary Hill Bypass at intersection of Pitt River Road on 9-May-1994 Extensive damage to front end. VHS available. Seen back in service mid December, 1994. [some unpainted sheet metal repairs seen on inside front door.] 96/09/03: 3008 launched the new "99, B-Line" service by breaking through a banner stretched across the roadway. It succeeded on the second attempt! 2/97: to BTC/FS (poss. for driver training) To BTC for 99 B-Line, Spring 97;99/1:Port Chev-Olds rear ad. ; 99/4: Ex-BCT 99/10, rereg. fr.8199VN;00/02*:PCT-180; 01/12:Deplated ex 8199VN; to HFM for bodywork(DC);;08/04:

UPF: 9008


9008 BC Transit (BC)
3008 BC Transit (BC)
3008 BC Transit (BC)
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Burnaby Transit Cent active
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Port Coquitlam Tst. active 99/10
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Port Coquitlam Tst. Stored 01/12
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Port Coquitlam Tst. Xfr'd to Heavy Fleet Maint. (Stored) 02/06
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Heavy Fleet Maint. Stored 02/06
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Heavy Fleet Maint. Xfr'd to Burnaby Transit Centre (Active) 02/08
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Burnaby Transit Cent to Richmond Transit Cen as Active 08/04
3008 Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) Richmond Tst. Ctr. RETIRED 2.0000

No sightings were found!


After accident on Pitt River Road (Michael Taylor-Noonan)
S/B Burrard crossing Dunsmuir, Vancouver BC - June 2008 (Keith Hodges)


West Vanc'r D60s

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