You searched for: Trolleybus
Knowledgebase (2 matches)
BBC trolleys for Vancouver
BBC trolleys for Vancouver Search:
, "Jim" wrote:
"It's unfortunate that one simple decision
made in 1981 (the decision to go with Westinghouse over Brown Boveri)
resulted in the overall cost of these new trolleys (Flyer E901/2) being some
five times that of their replacements."
What utter bullshit.
The BBC trolleys were a non
starter in Vancouver. It was not
a "simple decision". BBC's decision to go prime and tie themselves
up wit...
Wheelchair Wheelchair accessibility in the 90s
Wheelchair accessibility in the 90s
Experimental wheelchair lift fitted to 2846
(From Transit Vancouver newsgroup on yahoo groups)
> Interesting to note as well that at one time, 2846 was fitted with a
wheelchair lift as an experiment to see how difficult it would be to fit
lifts in the trolleybus fleet. The lift was fitted to the rear doors...
resulting in a 3 seat- bench being placed opposite the rear exit. To make up
for the lost seats, some ...
Vehicle database (0 matches)
Main database (1 matches)
E902 E10240 2460
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 2846
DE, dual stream front bi-fold doors. 1995: Wheelchair lift fitted as an experiment to see how difficult it would be to fit lifts in the trolleybus fle
Photograph database (0 matches)