You searched for: Island
Knowledgebase (7 matches)
bcer British Columbia Electric Railway
British Columbia Electric Railway (BCER)
Transit in B.C.s three major urban areas (Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster) was
introduced by companies other than the BCER. These companies eventually merged to
form the Consolidated Railway & Light Co. But a tragic event in 1896 ensured that
Consolidated Railway would not operate the province's transit. A river bridge in Victoria
collapsed, killing 55 people. Although an inquiry would later put blame on t...
GA_Licences General Authorization Licensees List as of June 30, 2007
For ease of referencing, this list is categorized alphabetically by the licensee's name. If there are any discrepancies in this list, the information filed at the
Licence # Name Trade Name Address
71038 11525...
GCTC Greyhound Canada Depot Allocations
JB wrote:
Greyhound Canada has adopted a system in use by GLI for a couple of
years, whereby units in the fleet have been divided up and assigned a
"home base" for maintenance purposes. Units assigned to these local
pools (VAN=Vancouver, EDO=Edmonton, TOR=Toronto) are dispatched to and
from their home base when scheduled maintenance is due.
The pool is denoted by a small green circular sticker on the right
hand side close to the fleet number.
DR, adde...
NDP Cook Books
NDP Cook Books Government cooked the books
on buses~ N. P claims
SQDViciOrla~Y~au S~Ubl~ works ministry be- getting any revenue back.
VICTORIA - The lieved Soc red promises In Vancouver, ATU busi·
prov incial government that they would be absorb- ness agent AI Ashton said
was accused Thursday of ed elsewhere in the sys- in an interview the union
"cooking the books" to tern. . fears a ...
The Unified Provincial Fleet numbering system.
Early in 1975 the Bureau of Transit Services introduced a new numbering system for all transit vehicles
in the various fleets in the provinces. The intent was to assign a permanent number to each unit
regardless of the number actually worn by the vehicle in the system it was assigned to. In addition, the
UPF number would be worn by the vehicle when it was assigned to a Small Communities system.
Since 1994 the UPF number system has been abando...
vancouver.pdf Vancouver Transit Natural Gas Bus System
BC Transit - Vancouver, provides a fully integrated natural gas and pay the standard tariff rate. The buses
transit service in the Vancouver lower mainland area were commissioned and introduced into service in
using diesel, CNG buses, trolley buses, Sea Bus, Sky November 1995 and operate out of the Port Coquitlam
Train and commuter rail in an 1,800 square kilometre Transit Facility....
victoria Victoria Numbering System
Victoria numbering system
The Beginning
BCER's Victoria division operated the first motor bus in the company's fleet in 1922, numbered one.
Twenty-two coaches entered service through the end of World War II, and these were numbered V1-
V22, the letter to differentiate the bus from the mainland "M" series. When the first Brill C36s arrived in
1946, they initially carried a 2 digit number in sequence with earlier coaches; in short order all Victoria
buses ...
Vehicle database (0 matches)
Main database (61 matches)
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 3112
DE, 6V92TA eng.,HTB-748 trans., dual front door, w/ch lift, electr. signs 3302-
June/94: fitted with bike rack for Deas Island services.
BC Transit (BC) 8038
Named Northern Island for 1994 Commonwealth Games
BC Transit (BC) 9725
99/?:rear ad for Island Internet(?)
BC Transit (BC) 9735
97/02*:Stored, Active by 97/03*;99/?:Rear Ad: Mid-Island Co-Op.
E901A E10240 2365
Coast Mountain Bus Co. (BC) 2750
DE, dual stream front bi-fold doors
Owned by NBFIN
PHOTO: JB/BCT-90-2750
; 99/4: Ex-BCT ; DC:Coach 2750 now sports a new total-paint advertisement for
TDH5303 C465
BC Transit (BC) 9617
Renumbered in 1979
Renumbered 5638
ex Port Coquitlam Tst. Ctr. 9618 in 11/86 to 5638
to Port Coq. Tst. Ctr. 9617 (1989)
:from Transit-Vancou
38S 549B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5936
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 222 in 1948,
38S 550B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5937
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #223 in 1948,
38S 551B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5938
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #224 in 1948,
38S 552B
Private (See Notes) 5939
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #225 in 1948, 1965:Sold to unknown buyer
38S 707B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5940
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #226 in 1948,
38S 708B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 5941
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #227 in 1948,
38S 709B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4882
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #228 in 1948,
Retired by 1965
38S 710B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4884
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #229 in 1948,
retired by 1965
38S 711B
Private (See Notes) 4885
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #230 in 1948,
retired by 1965 1965:Sold for $1000 to St Pius Parish in North Vancouver for use as school bus
38S 712B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4886
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #231 in 1948, to North Vancouver M836. renumbered 4886 in 1964, Retired by 1965
38S 713B
BC Hydro & Power Authority (BC) 4883
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines #232 in 1948,
retired by 1965
59B 99T641014
British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) M98
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. #? in 1946; retired by 1964; Possibly restored, PHOTO: VPLHPC/27221 (1946)
59B 99T641017
British Columbia Elec. Ry (BC) M97
ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. #? to Vancouver in 1946; retired by 1964;
C36 2460
Private (See Notes)
:After retirement in 1968, the bus was moved to a logging camp at Sayward on northern Vancouver Island. Although cosmetically it was in reasonable co
MC2 DV6RE 589
Wilson Tpn. (BC) 6528
nee Sorenson Bus Line Ltd. 162, ex Sunburst Motor Coaches Ltd. 304,ex Coachways Systems Ltd. S-137, ex Vancouver Island C.L. 617, Victoria, BC, to Pac
MC4 715
Pacific Coach Lines (1979) Ltd 4421
Vancouver Island C.L. 606, to PCL 6360, renumbered 6529 (Victoria, BC)
MC4 718
International Stage Lines (BC) 401
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 609, Victoria, BC ;ex Pacific Stage Lines (BC) 6358; to Pacific Coach Lines 6512; To International Stage Lines (BC) 401; lett
MC4 719
Private (See Notes) 29
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 610, Victoria, ex Pacific Stage Lines (BC) 6357; to Pacific Coach Lines 6511; to Anchor Charter (BC) 29; to Brothers Transit
MC5A 6229/6866
Pacific Coach Lines (1979) Ltd 6522
re#d 6522,To Pacific Coach Lins (1979) 6522 (BC) To Island Coach Lines 6522 (BC) then to ?
MC5A 6240/6870
Pacific Stage Lines Ltd. (BC) 6526
To Island Coach Lines 6526 (BC)
MC8 30989/S11281
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 6531
Ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 6531 (BC)
MC8 31475/S12118
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 6532
Ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 6532 (BC)
MC8 31489/S12121
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 6534
Ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 6534 (BC)
MC8 31506/S12132
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 6535
Ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 6535 (BC)
MC8 31516/S12136
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 6536
Ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 6536 (BC) (1st.)
MCC5A 5380/820
Vancouver Tours & Transit (BC) 402
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 614, Victoria, BC; to Pacific Stage Lines 6347; to Pacific Coach Lines 6515; to Charter Lines Of B.C. 402.
MCC5A 5383/821
Vancouver Tours & Transit (BC) 403
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 615, Victoria,to Pacific Stage Lines 6348; to Pacific Coach Lines 6516; to Charter Lines Of B.C. 403, Surrey, BC
P-41 7-61
Private (See Notes) 4176
nee Capital Coach Limited #50;ex Grey Goose Bus Lines Ltd. 73; Ex Deep Cove Stages #?; to Vancouver Island Coach Lines Ltd. 4176, Victoria, BC;Sold to
Private (See Notes) 4811
nee Vancouver Island Transit 807, originally Prevost demonstrator; to Pacific C/L 4811;to Int'l Stage Lines 4811 :Converted to m/h for G. Pullman. Rai
P8M4905A 245
Cumberland Stage Coach (BC) 81
Nee Vancouver Is. C/L 808;ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4561; to Island C/L 4561;retired 1988 from ICL; received new front and rear caps in 1996 to Cumberland
P8M4905A 246
Private (See Notes) 4562
Nee Vancouver Is. C/L 809;ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4562; to Island C/L 4562;retired 1987 to Prestige Coach (BC) 103. 1999:to Esquimalt Legion Seniors
P8M4905A 409
Private (See Notes)
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 810;to Island C/L 4563;then to Dogwood Coach Lines in 1992;99/7:Seen parked in Parksville, BC in lot off Hwy. 19A. numbered 404.
P8M4905A 410
Island Coach Lines (BC) 4564
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 811;to Island C/L 4564;Damaged in accident 1992; front of coach caught fire, written off. Coach
was purchased by Marv Trudeau of
P8M4905A 758
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4566
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4566;to Island C/L 4566; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4566;1997: retired from GRYL disposal unknown;
P8M4905A 759
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4567
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4567;to Island C/L 4567; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4567;1997: retired from GRYL disposal unknown;
P8M4905A 760
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4568
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4568;to Island C/L 4568; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4568;1997: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria disposal unknown
P8M4905A 761
Island Coach Lines (BC) 4569
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4569;to Island C/L 4569;Did not make it to Laidlaw--ret c.1985 after accident, possibly rebuilt by
another owner 1989
P8M4905A 762
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4570
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4570;to Island C/L 4570; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4570;1995: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 763
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4571
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4571;to Island C/L 4571; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4571;1997: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 764
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4572
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4572;to Island C/L 4572; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4572;1997: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 765
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4573
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4573;to Island C/L 4573; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4573;1997: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 766
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4574
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4574;to Island C/L 4574; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4574;1993: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 767
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4575
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4575;to Island C/L 4575; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4575;1996: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 768
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4576
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4576;to Island C/L 4576; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4576;1992: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unkno
P8M4905A 769
Ex Vancouver Is. C/L 4577;to Island C/L 4577; to Laidlaw Transit (Grayline Of Victoria) 4577; 1997 Sold to: to Victoria Salsa hockey team;
P8M4905A 770
Gray Line Of Victoria (BC) 4578
Ex Vancouver Island C/L 4578;to Island Coach Lines 4578 (BC); then to Laidlaw Transit 4578;1993: retired from Gray Line Of Victoria, disposal unknown
PD4104 1528
Pacific Coach Lines (1979) Ltd 4301
502-To Pacific Coach Lines 4301 (BC) UPF4003 07/06:LB:Stumbled upon ex Vancouver Island Coach Lines 502 (1955 GM PD4104-1528)
in a Saanich driveway t
PD4104 1742
Private (See Notes)
Probably #25; 2014:Seen on on Gabriola Island
(mt); 2014: It�s registered as a motorhome, and is mentioned that all the seats have been t
SDM5302 888
BC Transit (BC) 8953
Ex New York Bus Service 259,
Ex Vanc'r Island Transit Ltd (Pacific Commuter) 6314
to Kamloops to Victoria 953, Offered for sale 3/87
SE01 6966
Green Line Charter
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 801, Victoria, BC ;to Green Line Charters 6505; LB: Karl and I are speculating that this may have been the SE that went to Vi
SE01 6967
Conmac Coach Lines (BC) 6506
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 802, Victoria, BC; to Conmac Stage Lines 6506 (BC); (May have gone to Green Line Charters)
SE01 6968
Conmac Coach Lines (BC) 6507
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 803, Victoria, BC; to Conmac Stage Lines (BC) 6507
SE01 6969
Diamond Coach Lines 6508
ex Vancouver Island C.L. 804, Victoria, BC; to Fraser Valley Charter Svc. (BC) 6508; (LB: --actually wore Double Diamond Coach Lines 6508; this was
TDH4519 C238
Private (See Notes) 767
rebuilt in 1989-1990 to T6H4523N specs.,
named Norfolk Islands for 1994 Commonwealth Games
(This and 0762 were the only TDH4519s retrofitted with the
TDH4519 C240
BC Transit (BC) 8769
rebuilt in 1989-1990 to T6H4523N specs., Penticton, ex Prince George 6110 in 1992, nee Victoria 769 in 1990, in Victoria for 1994 Commonwealth Games,
Photograph database (4 matches)
Bowen Is. Transit (BC)
Bowen Island BC (Mar/09)- July 2014
PD4104 1742
Private (See Notes)
Seen on on Gabriola Island - April 2014
PD4104 1742
Private (See Notes)
Seen on on Gabriola Island - April 2014
BC Transit (BC)
@ Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, Vancouver Island (BC Ferries) - Jan 2013